We have made a few changes that will require a small amount of work for some projects to compile.
Sprite Engine Changes
The FrameSpeed is handled differently in version 2. You will need to change the FrameSpeed of any SpriteSurface controls to a value equal to 60/the number of frames per second you wish (a value of 1 or 2 is usually good).
Socket and Serial Control Changes
We have made the Socket and Serial controls so they can be used without having to open a window. You can now instantiate them in code. In order to do this, the super class of these controls was changed from Control to Object. Consequently, they no longer have Open or Close events that correspond to when the window is opening or closing. If you have any Socket or Serial controls that have code in their Open or Close event handlers, you will need to move this code to the Open and/or Close events handlers of the window in order for your project to compile.